So Abraham and all his family, flocks, cattle, menservants and maidservants and everything they had, all went down to Egypt to live off the fat of the land. They were Continue Reading →
I’ll Probably Go to Hell for This
So Abraham and all his family, flocks, cattle, menservants and maidservants and everything they had, all went down to Egypt to live off the fat of the land. They were Continue Reading →
To make a long story short, the famine came and the whole world1 was starving to death, including Israel and his household. So Israel sent his sons down to Egypt Continue Reading →
Israel had a soft spot for Joseph and Benjamin since they were the children of Rachel, the only woman he ever really loved. In fact Joseph was Israel’s favorite son Continue Reading →
Along the way, God reiterated to Jacob his promise to Abraham and Issac; that his offspring would possess all the land he could see and beyond.1 He also changed Jacob’s Continue Reading →
There is one story from this time that deserves mention. Shechem was a town that, like most places in those days, was named after the guy who ran it. Shechem Continue Reading →
So Jacob headed back to the land of Canaan, which today would be modern day Israel, Jordan and parts of Syria and Lebanon. But he was afraid of his brother, Continue Reading →
I encourage you to read about Jacob’s time with Laban, it’s worth the read, but I’m just going to skim it here. Jacob went to live with his uncle, Laban Continue Reading →
Jacob and Esau were born twins but could not have been more different if they’d tried. Esau was a big, hairy guy who loved to hunt and be outdoors while Continue Reading →
Well, lo and behold, just like the two angels had predicted, Sarah got pregnant and had a son in her old age. They called him Issac. As you might remember, Continue Reading →
After they blew up Sodom and Gomorrah, Abraham packed up and took off for Gerar which nowadays would be the southern part of modern day Palestine. Here he ran into Continue Reading →